Brian's Excellent Krakow Adventure

Musings from Brian Desmond Issing as he lives the life of a Cracovian. (Someone who lives in Krakow, Poland.)

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Small World Story Part 4

This story took place on March 14, 2008

For our last night in town the director of the operation, Ken Daniels, took Jason and I out to dinner at a local tapas bar named Bodega Marques Winiarnia. This is really a wine shop w/ a tapas bar out front. During the evening of sampling tapas and various wines another couple recognized Kenny and struck up a conversation. It seemed that they were “ex-pats” from the U.S. also. Kenny had met the husband at a Chamber of Commerce function at the Radisson Hotel a while back. So the three of them proceeded to engage in conversation as Jason and I listened in. It was during this exchange that I had a feeling of déjà vue. I picked up that the couple was from Texas and that he was on a short-term assignment over here w/ a U.S. company. So I asked if they were from Houston and they said no from Dallas. Then I asked if they had transferred over at the end of 2006 and they said yes. Then I asked the husband if he worked for Sabre Systems and he said yes. This is where the lyrics to “It’s a Small World” come in. I then went on to say that the wife had been to my flat in November of 2006. Now, before you go thinking the wrong thing, she was accompanied by her real estate agent and my building’s administrator. She had come to look at my flat as a possible one for her and her husband. (They subsequently located to the west side of the Glowny Rynek.)

She then remembered meeting me and was amazed that I had remembered her.

She was now one more penny in my bank of small world stories.


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