The Christening
At Mass last Sunday they had a Christening. Since I had been to three weddings over here it was nice to see a different sacrament being bestowed upon someone. The family most likely belonged to the parish. (In Poland you belong to the Parish that your home is located within. And you can’t register at another Catholic church outside of your parish.)
The baby girl seemed quite old for a baptism as she looked to be three months. The ceremony was rather quick and involved the Godparents. There was no baptismal font as Father poured the water on her head and the Godmother caught it with a towel. And of course the little girl winced. There was also the application of the chrism (holy oil) to the forehead.
From what I could discern it was like other baptisms. But I am not an expert as I only know about being at two of them and one was my own.
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